• V. A. Voskoboinick 1Institute of hydromechanics NAS Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • O. A. Voskoboinyk Institute of hydromechanics NAS Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • A. M. Onishchenko National Transport University, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • A. V. Voskobijnyk Institute of hydromechanics NAS Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Keywords: cylinder, flat surface, pressure fluctuation sensors, spectrum, correlation, vortex structures


The results of experimental studies are presented in order to study the features of the formation of separated and vortex flows in the vicinity of a transversely streamlined cylinder on the surface of a hydraulically smooth rigid surface and to determine the space-time characteristics of sources of wall pressure fluctuations. The studies were carried out in laboratory conditions on transversely streamlined cylinders, which were located on a rigid surface. The field of wall pressure fluctuations was measured by a group of miniature piezoceramic pressure fluctuation sensors, which were installed flush with the streamlined rigid surface in front of the cylinder and in its wake. The research results were processed and analyzed using the mathematical apparatus of the theory of probability and mathematical statistics. The spectral and correlation characteristics of the separated flow in the vicinity of a transversely streamlined cylinder are obtained.


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