• V. D. Dushkin Department of Fundamental Sciences National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • V. N. Melnik Department of Fundamental Sciences National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Keywords: parametric representation of integral operator, system of boundary singular integral equations, discrete singularities method


A mathematical model of diffraction of E-polarized and H-polarized waves on a finite system of not perfectly conducting tapes is obtained. The value of the surface impedance on the two sides of the stripes is different. The initial boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation with boundary conditions of the third kind was reduced to a system of boundary integral equations. This system of boundary integral equations consists of singular integral equations of the first kind and integral equations of the second kind with a logarithmic singularity. The method of parametric representation of integral operator was used to perform transformations. The values of the physical characteristics of the process are expressed through the solutions of the obtained systems of integral equations. Numerical solution of these equations is performed using a computational scheme based on the discrete singularities method. 


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