• Y. V. Semenova Institute of Mathematics NAS of Ukraine; Kyiv Academic University
  • S. G. Solodky Institute of Mathematics NAS of Ukraine; Kyiv Academic University
Keywords: numerical differentiation, Legendre polynomials, truncation method, minimal radius of Galerkin information


The problem of numerical differentiation for non-periodic bivariate functions is investigated. For the recovering mixed derivatives of such functions an approach on the base of truncation method is proposed. The constructed algorithms deal with Legendere polynomials, the degree of which is chosen so as to minimize the approximation error. It is established that these algorithms are order-optimal both in terms of accuracy and in the sense of the amount of Galerkin information involved.


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How to Cite
Semenova, Y., & Solodky, S. (2023). OPTIMAL METHODS FOR RECOVERING MIXED DERIVATIVES OF NON-PERIODIC FUNCTIONS. Journal of Numerical and Applied Mathematics, 1(2), 143-150. https://doi.org/10.17721/2706-9699.2022.2.16