• V. V. Begun Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems Problems of the Ukraine National Academy of Science, Kyiv, Ukraine
Keywords: applied problems, security, risk, information technologies, probabilistic modeling


The implementation of information technologies in Ukraine in the field of security and the state of education in this direction were studied. A comparison of the degree of informatization in this field and education in this field with developed countries in the nuclear field is made. The problems and tasks of teaching the direction of digital management in the field of security and the main method of modeling dangerous systems and processes — probabilistic structural and logical models — are analyzed. Conclusions were made about the need for more widespread education in the applied field of security, formulation and solution of actual problems, creation of special software.


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How to Cite
Begun, V. (2023). IMPLEMENTATION OF DIGITAL MANAGEMENT IN THE SECURITY FIELD. Journal of Numerical and Applied Mathematics, 1(2), 35-41.