Calculations of the centrifugal machines critical frequencies of the rotors are currently carried out on the basis of the finite element method using multi-functional software as same as ANSYS and other similar, that work with finite elements of the three-dimensional type, as well as some specialized computer programs working with the beam-type finite elements. Anyway, the finite element method is used. But in this case an user needs a lot of time for prepation of the initial data. Therefore, this article presents a calculation of the critical frequencies of the rotor of a centrifugal fuel pump of a liquid-propellant engine based on its discrete model. This calculation also includes an algorithm of results clarification. This model has been verificated by comparing the critical frequencies obtained in calculations based on the finite element beam model and discrete model with using the algorithm of results clarification and without it.
Computer program "Critical frequencies of the rotor": copyright certificate №59855, Ukraine. І.В. Pavlenko, VI Simonovsky. Date of registration 05/27/2015.
Mathcad Prime 3.1 Profes software, license agreement № 216/16/1000, acquisition date 24.11.2016.
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