The papers submitted to “Journal of Numerical and Applied Mathematics”, should contain new results which are of interest to a wide circle of mathematicians working in computational mathematics and related fields within the journal Scope. By submitting a manuscript, the authors acknowledge that it has not been published elsewhere and is not currently under consideration by another journal. All the manuscripts are subject to peer review by anonymous referees (no more than 2 months).

The articles are published in Ukrainian or English. The size of the article is from 4 to 30 pages of the specified format. Abstracts (volumes from 150 to 200 words) and keywords in all three languages, as well as UDC and Mathematics Subject Classification ciphers (MSC 2020) are attached to the article. It is necessary to indicate the spelling of the names and initials of the authors, the name of the article and organization (organizations) in two languages, e-mail.

The article should contain a clear statement of the problem, a complete justification of all new statements and clear explanations regarding its scientific novelty. It is advisable to submit article in a structured form, dividing it into sections: introduction, main content and final conclusions. Links to unpublished results, except for thesises, are not recommended.

The journal is being prepared for printing using the LaTeX publishing system.

To prepare a manuscript, you must download a sample article in your chosen language. The sample article should be considered as a template for the correct formatting of the manuscript Tex file. The sample article contains the full text of the rules for authors and the basic rules for preparing the source file of the article in the LaTeX system. List of references (in the original language and translated into English) should be composed in the order of citation in the text.

The manuscript prepared for publication in the format of a TeX file (named in Latin letters by transliterating the surname of the first author of the article) and the necessary graphic files should be sent to the e-mail address:

There are non submission, review and publication charges.

By the fact of submission of the manuscript to the Editorial Board of the journal “Journal of Numerical and Applied Mathematics”, the author(s) confirm (confirms) his/her (their) conscious agreement with its editorial policy, ethic principles, policy of open access, positions about the confidentiality and the author rights, reviewing, editing of manuscripts, and requirements and conditions of preparation and publication of the journal.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. This submission has not been previously published and has not sent to editorial review other journals (or in the comments to the editor following data necessary explanations).
  2. File submission of a document is in TeX format file.
  3. Internet links in the text are accompanied by complete correct the URL.
  4. The text conforms to the style and bibliography requirements.